Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Jessie made me do it!

Okay, so I haven't been here in a while. It's hard for me to get motivated to blog. Many times I have some thoughts (yes, I actually do, sometimes). But I just can't seem to get them to my fingertips. Maybe I'm just lazy. My dad and I were talking about that yesterday. We get comfortable just sitting and watching the world go by and don't want to move. The older I get the more that seems to be true. But I still have so much to do, I can't let that happen. If you've been reading Jessie blog ( then you'll see real motivation in action. I don't plan on running any marathons, although that would be a lofty goal. I still have the unction to finish our house. Oh, there is still very much to be done there. But above all to see God glorified in my life in whatever I'm doing.

Wonderful things are happening at Dunn Baptist Church these days. God is continually blessing there. I know He isn't through with me there, nor is He finished with the wonderful Body of Christ.

Thank you Jessie for the encouragement! I appreciate you young man and thank God for you! Push on, you'll make it. And thank you Brooke for the encouragement to me yesterday.

Everyone have a blessed day in the Lord.

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