Sunday, April 08, 2007


Resurrection Sunday

As I reflect on the events of the day, I can say with all sincerity of heart that I enjoyed every moment of the day. It was a long day to be sure. We started with our 7 AM Sunrise Service, which we held in our new Prayer Garden at Dunn Baptist Church. There were between 50-55 people present for this event. I am thankful for every one of you who attended despite the fact that the temperature was about 45 degrees! What a glorious celebration it was!

But more important than any of us feeling that we enjoyed the events of the day is that the Great God of Heaven and Earth be glorified. From the wonderful Sunrise Service to the morning worship where our sanctuary choir performed "Because He Lives," God was glorified and our Lord Jesus Christ was exalted. And speaking of the Easter Musical, our choir did an outstanding job! I have heard so many say how wonderful it was. Good going choir! We really appreciate you!
Also the Prayer Garden dedication was a vital part of the early service. We said there that the Prayer Garden was not just for a place of beauty, or even quite. It is a place of prayer. Anyone is invited to stop by and spend time in prayer. Our Heavenly Father desires that we spend time with Him everyday. We can do that anywhere, but how wonderful it is when we can spend a few moments of our day in a place such as a Prayer Garden. Please stop by anytime.
Of course, we also had opportunity to spend time with our families. We enjoyed the time with my dad, step-mom, my sister and family. We also spent time with some of our church family this afternoon. We enjoyed every minute.
I know it's been a while since I have written, but just wanted you to know that I have been taking an online course entitled "How to Maintain a Healthy Church." This course is found online at Stop by there and check out their site and read about the courses which they offer.
Speaking of studies, I will be continuing my expositions through the Book of Hebrews and will also be starting a study in the Book of Romans soon. Stay tuned.
Everyone have a blessed day in the Lord!

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