Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Wonderful Easter Weekend Activities
The Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday afternoon we had about 40 children attend our annual Easter Egg Hunt. It was a great time to be had by all. What a joy it is to see our children scampering about looking for those prize eggs. I don't know how many eggs were hidden, but they found most of them. I know of two that were not found, because Mr. Bilbo Davis found them yesterday while he was mowing the yard. So, everyone did really well. We also had a very nice Easter bunny present who did a great job. I know the children enjoyed him as well. I would like to recognize and thank the New Journey Class for their leadership and hard work for our annual egg hunt. Jessie and Gina Nielsen and all the gang did a terrific done this year. Keep up the good work guys. We appreciate your faithfulness.
Sunday Services
We had 35 present for our 7:00 AM Sunrise Service Easter Sunday morning. I was very glad to see that crowd come out to commemorate and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior in such a way. All of you are to be commended. Not many people like to do that kind of thing anymore. Time was when there would be as many for sunrise service as for regular morning service, but that is just how things are today. What a wonderful way to greet anyday, early in the morning.
Our 10:00 AM Easter services was also a big hit. Our children's choir lead by Mrs. Gina Jones did really well and we enjoyed the children' presentation very much. Thank you children and Mrs. Gina for your hard work. We look forward to see you all again very soon.
Mrs. Marlene Stanley performed a piano solo that we all enjoyed very much. Then our adult choir presented "Behold The Lamb." I believe it was amazing. I know that everyone present enjoyed this musical very much. I heard comments like, "its the best they have ever done." Thanks to our fearless leader Milton Ringle for putting up we us and helping us to do the best we could for our risen Lord. Button Cooper and Gina Jones both performed solos and Kathleen Parker and myself did the narration. I know that Kathleen did a wonderful job. We also thank Michael Ford for working so hard, not only during the performance, but also during all those nights of practice. Michael, we couldn't have done it without you. Great job everyone! I know that our great and mighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ were honored and glorified!
The Bad News
All I can say is this....yesterday was tax day.... enough said, except to say, I'm still bleeding.
Little League Baseball
Several of our children are on little league baseball teams and several of our men are coaches on those teams. Micah is on the Red Soxs, Jason Nielsen coaches the Yankees, on which his son "Brother" also plays. Those two teams are undefeated and play against one another this Thursday. What a game that is going to be! Jessie Nielsen coaches a team of 6-8 years olds called the Astros.... who else would they be with Jessie coaching them. Last night his team had they first "non-loss," that is they tied. I know there are other playing and coaching, but right now my feeble mind looses their names. As soon as I get them back, I'll put a word in for them.
We also have some of our youth playing baseball with the Delhi Charter school. I understand they have a big district game this Wednesday afternoon. Play hard guys. Do you best for your team and for the Lord. Congratulations to all our boys and men playing baseball this summer.
Everyone have a great day! Pray for one another.
Sunday Services
We had 35 present for our 7:00 AM Sunrise Service Easter Sunday morning. I was very glad to see that crowd come out to commemorate and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior in such a way. All of you are to be commended. Not many people like to do that kind of thing anymore. Time was when there would be as many for sunrise service as for regular morning service, but that is just how things are today. What a wonderful way to greet anyday, early in the morning.
Our 10:00 AM Easter services was also a big hit. Our children's choir lead by Mrs. Gina Jones did really well and we enjoyed the children' presentation very much. Thank you children and Mrs. Gina for your hard work. We look forward to see you all again very soon.
Mrs. Marlene Stanley performed a piano solo that we all enjoyed very much. Then our adult choir presented "Behold The Lamb." I believe it was amazing. I know that everyone present enjoyed this musical very much. I heard comments like, "its the best they have ever done." Thanks to our fearless leader Milton Ringle for putting up we us and helping us to do the best we could for our risen Lord. Button Cooper and Gina Jones both performed solos and Kathleen Parker and myself did the narration. I know that Kathleen did a wonderful job. We also thank Michael Ford for working so hard, not only during the performance, but also during all those nights of practice. Michael, we couldn't have done it without you. Great job everyone! I know that our great and mighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ were honored and glorified!
The Bad News
All I can say is this....yesterday was tax day.... enough said, except to say, I'm still bleeding.
Little League Baseball
Several of our children are on little league baseball teams and several of our men are coaches on those teams. Micah is on the Red Soxs, Jason Nielsen coaches the Yankees, on which his son "Brother" also plays. Those two teams are undefeated and play against one another this Thursday. What a game that is going to be! Jessie Nielsen coaches a team of 6-8 years olds called the Astros.... who else would they be with Jessie coaching them. Last night his team had they first "non-loss," that is they tied. I know there are other playing and coaching, but right now my feeble mind looses their names. As soon as I get them back, I'll put a word in for them.
We also have some of our youth playing baseball with the Delhi Charter school. I understand they have a big district game this Wednesday afternoon. Play hard guys. Do you best for your team and for the Lord. Congratulations to all our boys and men playing baseball this summer.
Everyone have a great day! Pray for one another.