Monday, April 10, 2006


It Was An Exciting Weekend

The Living Lord's Supper
I am so excited about the outcome of our dramatic presentation of The Living Lord's Supper. In both morning and evening services our guys did a tremendous job! What a wonderful portrayal of our Lord's last meal with His disciples. I can't stop thinking about how it would have been like to actually have been there. This is as close to it on this earth that we will be. For all who were in attendance, I know that they were blessed, as were we in the presentation. I think God was pleased also.

The Congregation
We had a near full house for the morning service. Sunday School attendance was pretty good, 116 I think it was. Thank God for those who are so very faithful in their Bible Study hour attendance. Encourage you class mates to be there the next time that your class meets. Remember, that will not be this coming Lord's bible study hour. I was a little disappointed that there was no apparent response to the Lord's invitation following the presentation of the gospel through this medium. The gospel DID go forth. But then, I ask myself that question each and every time I preach. Why is there no apparent response to God's word? Is it I? Is it I? (Sorry, couldn't help myself).

The Week as a whole
It was a very busy week last week. Meeting and church related activities abounded. I even cancelled a trip out of town just to cut down on the going and to spend time with my family last Monday and Tuesday. Instead of going to Alexandria for a board meeting at Louisiana College, Anita, Micah and I spent last Monday going to see and movie and eating out. I was a very good day for the Duchesne family. We need to spend as much time, quality time, together as a family as we can, don't you think?

Something else that Micah and I were able to do together last week was attend a Texas Ranger baseball game, along with Jessie Nielsen. Our youth invited us to come and join them in Arlington and watch the game with them. Thanks to our youth and Tanya, Jason, Annette and David for asking us to join you! We really did enjoy it, even though it was pretty chilly, and we didn't really dress for that. But, we made it anyway. It was a great game, even though Texas lost to the Detroit Tigers 5-2. Just being in that stadium with church family and friends made it all worth it! We even got a free Texas Ranger's cap. We really enjoyed it. Hopefully, we can make another game before the summer is gone.

I'll write more about last week later. Everyone have a blessed day. Please be in prayer for our choir as they prepare for this coming Lord's Day presentation of "Behold the Lamb."

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