Monday, February 20, 2006
Weather is the News today.... and yesterday
Winter shows up in a big way
Preachers dread cold wet weather because it brings havoc to church attendance. But, for Dunn BC yesterday, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, or has been before. Despite the cold, wet weather, we have 95 brave souls in attendance for Sunday School and a few more came in for morning worship. Bless all of you! As for Discipleship Training last evening, THAT is a differenct story! But, we survived and those who were in attendance were blessing with the worship, sermon and fellowship. I look forward to seeing many of you this Wednesday evening for our mid-week prayer meeting.
Speaking of Sermons
Yesterday I preached a sermon on Wrestling with God. I believe with all my heart I was "led of God" to preach that sermon. I believe that there was someone who has been struggling with God in some area of their life. Even though there was no immediate response in our service, I believe that God is going to continue to deal with that person or persons..... and I pray He does.
We continued our study in The Book of The Revelation last night. It was interesting, I think, as we studied the Isle of Patmos. I found some pictures on the web this past week of the island, in it's modern day dress of course. But, one could still get a sense of what John experienced on the same island just a little less than 2000 years ago. The bigger challenge is to communicate what John DID experience while he was there, just as he was challenged to communicate to his readers what he himself experienced. He did his best, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to record what he saw. We will continue to do our best to understand that communication, under the illumination of the Holy Spirit. God help us to understand your Word, in order that we might love you more and be more obedient servants and effective witnesses, even as John was effective.
One More JBS
I have another opportunity to teach the Book of Nehemiah this coming weekend. Our friend and brother in Christ and my mentor, Dr. John Traylor, has asked me to come and teach our JBS to Epps Baptist Church beginnning this Sunday evening. I am extremely humbled to be asked to do this. It is going to be like the student teaching the teacher. Please pray for me this week as I prepare for the awesmore responsibility and priviledge.
Baseball Season is on it's way
It won't be long now... isn't everyone just waiting with baited breath for those infamous words, "Play Ball!"? I am!
Everyone have a great day and stay warm!
Preachers dread cold wet weather because it brings havoc to church attendance. But, for Dunn BC yesterday, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, or has been before. Despite the cold, wet weather, we have 95 brave souls in attendance for Sunday School and a few more came in for morning worship. Bless all of you! As for Discipleship Training last evening, THAT is a differenct story! But, we survived and those who were in attendance were blessing with the worship, sermon and fellowship. I look forward to seeing many of you this Wednesday evening for our mid-week prayer meeting.
Speaking of Sermons
Yesterday I preached a sermon on Wrestling with God. I believe with all my heart I was "led of God" to preach that sermon. I believe that there was someone who has been struggling with God in some area of their life. Even though there was no immediate response in our service, I believe that God is going to continue to deal with that person or persons..... and I pray He does.
We continued our study in The Book of The Revelation last night. It was interesting, I think, as we studied the Isle of Patmos. I found some pictures on the web this past week of the island, in it's modern day dress of course. But, one could still get a sense of what John experienced on the same island just a little less than 2000 years ago. The bigger challenge is to communicate what John DID experience while he was there, just as he was challenged to communicate to his readers what he himself experienced. He did his best, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to record what he saw. We will continue to do our best to understand that communication, under the illumination of the Holy Spirit. God help us to understand your Word, in order that we might love you more and be more obedient servants and effective witnesses, even as John was effective.
One More JBS
I have another opportunity to teach the Book of Nehemiah this coming weekend. Our friend and brother in Christ and my mentor, Dr. John Traylor, has asked me to come and teach our JBS to Epps Baptist Church beginnning this Sunday evening. I am extremely humbled to be asked to do this. It is going to be like the student teaching the teacher. Please pray for me this week as I prepare for the awesmore responsibility and priviledge.
Baseball Season is on it's way
It won't be long now... isn't everyone just waiting with baited breath for those infamous words, "Play Ball!"? I am!
Everyone have a great day and stay warm!