Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Time on My Knees
I'm continuing to study the Book of Nehemiah, our January Bible Study this year. Nehemiah was indeed an amazing man. He had strong leadership traits, but most of all he was amazing because he sought to please God in all that he did. One of the most outstanding areas of his life in which this is evident is his prayer life. One of the books that I have been reading lately is Charles Swindoll's book on Nehemiah entitled "Hand Me Another Brick." It stands to reason that Dr. Swindoll would name his book that because the Book of Nehemiah is primarily about the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem following the exile of Judah. Anyway, Nehemiah did one thing before he did anything esle in his life.... he prayed about what he was going to do. He asked God about it, sought His direction and wisdom, before he made one move. I believe that is what made Nehemiah an amazing man... he was a man of prayer, as well as a man of God.

In his book, Dr. Swindoll wrote about prayer and particularly reasons people give for not praying. The number one reason most people don't spend more time in prayer is this, "I don't have time." What should we do when we don't have time to pray? Make time! Get up earlier. That has been my desire for a long time, but I haven't been very successful at it. I have always been a night owl, though the older I get, the shorter those night hours are. Anyway, Dr. Swindoll quoted the great missionary Hudson Taylor, who founded the great China Inland Mission. Taylor said that the sun never rose for forty years in China but that God didn't find him on his knees in prayer for that great land. Would to God it was so for me. I'm going to try harder. You try too, okay?

Hospital Updates
Mrs. Louise Tibbs went home from Delhi yesterday. Mrs. Carolyn Emsminger, that's Cheryl and Marilyn's sister, is still in Delhi. Mrs. Ceclia's daughter Diane went home from Baptist in Jackson; Our son Micah stayed home ill again today, but hope he can return to school tomorrow. The Thomas twins are still in St. Francis. Alxis is doing well and the last I heard was that Adrianna was doing a little better, but they are still watching her. I also visited with Mrs. Patty Sue Black in the Delhi hospital. There are also many others with the winter crud. Let's pray for all of these.

Delhi Livestock Show
We didn't attend the livestock show this past weekend, mainly because of the inclement weather and the fact that Micah was already ill. It seems like February always brings dreary gray rainy days and the Livestock show. It seems that way to me. It sure reminds me of the livestock show of 1976. You may not remember that year in particular. I do; but there was an event that, for me, was attached to it. At that time my dad and mom, Juanez McPherson Duchesne, lived in a big old house that used to be right next to the old Hall Hotel right on Hwy 80. Neither of the houses are there now. Anyway, I remember going to the Livestock show with Anita and our oldest, and at that time only son Matthew, who was almost 2 years old. My youngest brother Charles was with us, if memory serves me correctly and maybe our cousin Joe "Willie" Tatum. Dad was with us also. We all walked over to the fairgrounds together. But mom wasn't with us. She wasn't feeling well and hadn't been for several weeks. Not too many days later, after she had been diagnosed with pneumonia, we found out that she actually had cancer. So, for me even after 30 years, the Livestock show will always have a little bit of sadness attached to it. I'll never forget THAT Livestock show anyway.

Lion's Club Meeting
Each Tuesday the Delhi Lion's Club meets at the Delhi hospital. I became a member shortly after I moved here two years ago. It's a good civic organization that not only tries to promote the wellfare of the town, in this case Delhi, but also helps people with various illness. One very important "ministry" that it carries out is the Louisiana Lion's Club Eye Foundation. We try to help people with various eye diseases and glasses and so forth. The Delhi Lion's club has helped several people recently with their eye problems. They also recycle old eye glasses, so if you have any lying around, find a Lion and have yours recycled.

Parting Thought
I read this today that got me to thinking...... "Some people get lost in thought because it is unfamiliar territory." I know exactly what they mean. God bless each of you.

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