Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Technologically Challenged

I'm Back!
After several days absence, I'm back. Here's the story. Last Thursday I think it was we had some storms in the area. Lightning knocked out our internet connection. It was late Saturday before we got it back and I just didn't have time to write during the weekend. The first two days of this week have been as bad, as far as having time to write. But, I'm making time today. It's good to be back.

Welcome to the World of Computers
You know, for those of us who have come to depend upon a computer in our daily life, to be without it sure makes life difficult, doesn't it. It isn't as if we can't do without them, for we did before. And to compound the problem, even with the computer running, we have become so dependent of the accessiblity of the internet that when it isn't working, we're in a quandry. We feel "cut off" from the rest of the world, do we not? But that's true only in one sense, for we still have a world around us. One thing that computers and the internet have done is to make our world both smaller and larger. It isn't uncommon to be able to communicate ("You've got mai!") with others around the world daily. What is the price of that convenience? Sometimes it is to neglect those closest to us and the things that are right around us in order to live in our larger world. Such is life in this larger and smaller world today. Whatever happened to the "simple life?" I don't know, I guess it went the way of the horse an buggy. We don't want to go back to those days either, do we.

January Bible Study
Since Sunday I've been teaching our JBS for this year at First Baptist Tallulah. We've been having a great time there in this wonderful book of the Bible. What a priviledge it is to be able to teach and share God's Word anywhere. The crowd there has been good and the people seem to be really enjoying the study. It really bewilders me that anyone would want to listen to be teach or say anything. But, I thank God for the opportunity. I also thank God for our congregation at Dunn Baptist Church for allowing me to use the gifts that God has using me to teach the Book of Nehemiah at FBC Tallulah this week. And thanks to Bro. Jay Morgan for filling in for me this past Sunday. I know our folks really appreciate you.

Our Study in Revelation
Don't forget that we will be continuing our study in the Book of Revelation this Sunday evening both in Discipleship Training and during our evening worship. Stay read up in your studay books and your bible and prayed up to receive a blessing from God as we study together.

Everyone have a great and blessed day in the Lord. I'll be back tomorrow also, the Lord willing.

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