Thursday, February 21, 2008


The Fear of the Lord

I am writing from my Number 8 motel room. That is what our youngest son Micah always called the motels he preferred when we were traveling when he was younger. It was either a number 6 or a number 8. There was no other. And he could see those numbers miles down the road and would want to stop at every one of them.

Anyway, here I am. It has been the first evening of the Ark-La-Tex Southern Baptist Founders Conference. So far, it has been amazing. The theme of the conference this year is "The Fear of the Lord." I can't wait to be able to put into practice of that which I am being reminded or am learning. Two verses real quickly..."The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom;" "Fear the Lord and keep His commandments...this is all that is required of mankind." Fantastic! You'll be hearing more about this later.

Just a couple of other things. Our doctrine reading group is doing really well. We have 14 people meeting at either 6 am or 7:30 am on Tuesday mornings to read "Bible Doctrine" by Wayne Grudem. I really appreciate those who have been so faithful. I've heard nothing but good things so far. I am amazed at what God is doing in our fellowship. Although it is only 14 of us, I believe that God is going to do some amazing things through our group! Hang in there doctrine readers! Not only are you going to continue to learn and be blessed, you are going to be a blessing to our church.

I look forward to this coming Lord's Day, as I do each and every one of them. I am concluding our study in the Book of Hebrews. I only have two (I think) more sermons that I will preach from Hebrews. Both of these will be Resurrection sermons. Thank the Lord for His sacrificial death and glorious resurrection! Let's be being prepared for Resurrection (Easter) Sunday.

Everyone have great night.... or day as you read this. I love you all.

Bro. Bernard

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